Yek Demon
Small fiend, chaotic evilArmor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 99 (18d6 + 36)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
16 (+3) | 16 (+3) | 15 (+2) | 19 (+4) | 13 (+1) | 10 (+0) |
Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +7, Con +6, Int +8
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +7
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical damage
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception
Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Devouring Swarm. If a creature has three or more yek attached to it from a bite attack at the end of its turn, the creature must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or suffer from 1d4 Constitution damage as the demons feast upon the creature’s flesh.
Magic Resistance. The yek has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Pack Tactics. The yek has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the yek’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Multiattack. The yek makes one bite attack and two claw attacks. It may make a bone shard attack in place of a claw attack if it chooses and has a bone shard available.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (5d6 + 3) piercing damage. On a successful hit, the demon latches on and begins to gnaw on the target (escape DC 17). The yek cannot make a bite attack if already attached but automatically deals bite damage at the end of its turn if it is latched on to a target.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d4 + 3) slashing damage.
Bone Shard. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 3) piering damage. On a successful hit, the bone breaks into splinters in the target’s wound. The target takes 5 (2d4) piercing damage at the end of its turn as long as the bone remains lodged in its wound. A successful DC 15 Medicine (Wisdom) check or magical healing halts the ongoing damage.
A yek typically carries 3 (1d6+1) of these weapons, which are destroyed on a successful attack. It may use its action to tear a bone from a nearby corpse.