
Lair Actions

When fighting in its lair (which is always), the immured can invoke the ambient magic to take lair actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the immured can take one lair action to cause one of the following effects:

  • The floors around the immured buckle, flagstones coming loose and floorboards warping. Any amount of floor chosen in a 30-foot radius around the immured becomes difficult terrain. This lasts until the end of the following round.
  • Light sources in the building respond to the immured’s command, dimming or brightening as it wishes. The immured can control the brightness of any nonmagical light sources (or any magical sources normally found within its bound building), causing them to produce no light, dim light, or bright light until the end of the next round.
  • The immured can telekinetically open (and unlock if necessary) any three doors, windows, or other similar portals within 30 feet of it or close (and lock, if possible) any three such objects.


Small or medium undead, any lawful alignment
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
5 (−2) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)

Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60 ft.; passive Perception 17
Languages any languages it knew in life
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Bound to Site. The immured is bound to the building in which its mortal remains are interred. The immured cannot exit the structure. If the building is completely destroyed, then the immured is also. If the immured’s physical remains are removed from the building, the building is destroyed. The immured’s close ties to the building give it advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks. As long as the immured is bound, the building shares the immured’s damage resistances and cannot be damaged by natural forces (earthquakes, lightning strikes, and so on).

Incorporeal Movement. The immured can move through other creatures or objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object; the exceptions are any objects that are part of the building to which it is bound (walls, doors, and so on), which it can remain inside without harm.

Innate Spellcasting. The immured’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). The immured can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
1/day: guards and wards (casting time 1 minute)


Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) necrotic damage. The target must succeed at a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Create Zombie. The immured targets a humanoid within 10 feet that has been dead no longer than 1 minute and died from its life drain attack. The target’s corpse rises as a zombie in the space its corpse occupied or in the nearest unoccupied space. The zombie is under the immured’s control. The immured can have no more than ten zombies under its control at one time.

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