Godstone Elemental

Godstone Elemental

Large elemental, neutral
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 98 (13d10 + 26)
Speed 30 ft. (see Changing Aspect)
20 (+5) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 6 (−2)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages one primordial dialect (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran)
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Changing Aspect. The godstone elemental has one of the following traits depending on which godstone it is visiting (GM’s discretion):

  • Aspect of the Cold Moon. The elemental is made of pale glittering ice. It receives a +2 to its AC, and its slam attacks do cold damage. It is immune to cold damage and vulnerable to fire.
  • Aspect of Fire and Passion. The elemental is made of flashing fire and light. Creatures that can see the elemental and begin their turn within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the end of their next turn. Its slam attacks do fire damage, and it is immune to fire and radiant damage.
  • Aspect of Gold and Silver. The elemental is made of earth run through with veins of gold and silver. It receives a +3 to its AC, and its slam attacks do bludgeoning damage. It gains a burrowing speed of 10 feet. When defeated, its remains release 500 gp worth of unworked gold and silver.
  • Aspect of Retribution. The elemental is made of spiked stones and ice. It receives a +2 to its AC, and its slam attacks do bludgeoning damage. Its slam attacks do an additional 7 (2d8) cold damage.
  • Aspect of Storms. The elemental appears as a humanoid made of lightning. It is immune to lightning damage, and its slam attacks do lightning damage. It gains a flying speed of 40 feet (hover).


Multiattack. The godstone elemental makes two slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) damage (type of damage varies, see Changing Aspect).

Discharge (Storms Aspect Only) (1/ Day). The elemental arcs lightning to all creatures touching the ground within 15 feet. Creatures in the area must succeed a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 13 (2d12) lightning damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. Creatures that fail this save continue to arc lightning to all creatures touching the ground within 15 feet for 6 (1d12) lightning damage (DC 13).

Ice Lance (Cold Moon and Retribution Aspect Only) (3/Day). The elemental summons a sharp column of ice from the ground under one creature it can see within 30 feet. The creature must succeed a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 13 (2d12) piercing damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.

Ignition (Fire and Passion Aspect Only) (1/Day). The elemental explodes in a cloud of burning cinders, spreading out in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 13 (2d12) fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. Creatures that fail this save take 6 (1d12) fire damage at the beginning of each of its turns for 1 minute. A creature may use its action to end this effect.

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