Exsanguinating Tome

Exsanguinating Tome

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a wizard)

This tome is wrapped in a filthy cover that weeps warm, wet droplets of blood. Although gore flows over the book’s pages when opened, the unnerving leakage never obscures the spells’ details to those who wish to read them.

Exsanguinating tome contains the following spells.
Cantrip: blood tide
1st Level: bane, false life, hideous laughter, ray of sickness, stanch, weapon of blood
2nd Level: blood armor, blood lure, bloodshot, caustic blood
3rd Level: animate dead, fear, ray of exhaustion, vampiric touch, vital mark
4th Level: blood and steel, phantasmal killer
5th Level: cruor of visions, exsanguinating cloud, sanguine horror

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