Part of the Pack

Part of the Pack

Prerequisite: Halfling (winterfolk)

The wolves never seem to be far from your side and consider you to be a packmate. As an action, you can howl to summon a wolf to assist you. The wolf appears in 1d4 rounds and remains within 50 feet of you until 1 hour elapses or until it dies, whichever occurs first. You cannot control the wolf, though it will not attack you or your companions and will attack any creature you are engaging in melee combat. If you are level 4 or higher when you summon a wolf, there is a 50% chance you will summon a dire wolf instead. At the GM’s discretion, you may not be able to summon a wolf if you are indoors or in a region that wolves are not native to.

Once you have summoned a wolf with this feat, you must finish a long rest before you can summon another wolf.

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